Enable MFA for secure.phtech.com

To enable MFA for Secure.phtech.com, first log into https://secure.phtech.com as yourself and click on "My Account"

Under Multi-Factor Authentication, select Enable on ether the Authenticator App or Email;

Scroll down if you want to see how to use Email Authentication.

If you don't already have an Authenticator App on your cell phone, download it now or switch over to using email for MFA

Open up the Authenticator App on your phone and scan the following QR code; then enter the verification code below.

If you want to use Email for Authentication, click on Enable for Email

it will  send an email to you with your 6 digit code like this;

then enter the code here;

That's it, your done, next time you log in to secure.phtech.com you will be asked to enter your code.