Client SSH Key Setup

SSH - Client Keys - Overview

Generating SSH Client Keys

MOVEit DMZ is NOT an SSH client key generator. Almost all modern SSH clients already have a facility to generate client keys and these facilities should be used whenever possible. Some common SSH client's key generation facilities are briefly described below:

If you must generate and distribute SSH client keys, consider using the OpenSSH for Windows toolkit to generate these. See Specific Clients - OpenSSH for Windows for more information about this process.

How to Transmit SSH Key to PH TECH?

Preferred Method (most secure)

Step 1) Generate an SSH key using your preferred method

Not sure how to generate a key? Guide for Generating a Key With PuttyGen

Step 2) Transmit your key's fingerprint to PH Tech

The following procedure describes how an SSH client can connect with a new key and leave the key's fingerprint behind for an administrator to promote/accept into the user's profile at a later date. Any SSH user whose client has already generated and installed an SSH client key should be able to use this procedure.


Default Settings for FTP Clients:


Port: 22

Below is an example of a failed connection attempt:

D:\temp>sftp -oUserKnownHostsFile=c:\progra~1\OpenSSH\bin\ssh\known_hosts -oIdentityFile=c:\progra~1\OpenSSH\bin\ssh\id_rsa Connecting to's password: Authenticated with partial success. Permission denied (publickey). Connection closed

Alternate Method

Manually generate a key

Not sure how to generate a key? Guide for Generating a Key With PuttyGen

SECURELY transmit a copy of the PUBLIC key to PH Tech to be imported.
