WebRTC Softphone

If your job function supports the use of a usb headset for tellecommunication, a WebRTC Softphone has been added to your phone list in PureCloud. Selecting this phone option will enable you to comminicate 100% through any usb headset connected to your computer or zero client.

Locate this phone option by typing your name in the search box.

*If you do not see this option, please contact Service Desk for assistance.

Search for your first name, and you should see something like "Levi Bedortha WebRTC", but with your name. If you don't, send an email to support@phtech.com and we can assist. 


If you are using a personal computer (not a zero client), you may need to set your usb headset as your "default" playback audio device. Access your audio preferences to set this:

Depending on what model of headset you have, the option in "Playback Devices" might look slightly different: